Runaway to the Stars: Page 31

Don't ask why she has a wireless charging mat that large. Talita's compulsion to hoard electronic doohickeys is plot convenient.

Transcript Talita looks around at the mess throughout her living space. Used pitchers and dishware next to the couch; an electronics desk cluttered with parts, tools, and half finished projects; her floor covered in random supplies and open storage bins. She heaves a long sigh and looks exasperated, then walks into the bedroom portion of her apartment, separated from the rest of the space by a large curtain. She rolls out an extra large charging mat there on the empty floor space and puts the 8 boxes of phones down on top. All of the screens briefly blink white as they begin to charge.

Runaway to the Stars: Page 31

Don't ask why she has a wireless charging mat that large. Talita's compulsion to hoard electronic doohickeys is plot convenient.

Transcript Talita looks around at the mess throughout her living space. Used pitchers and dishware next to the couch; an electronics desk cluttered with parts, tools, and half finished projects; her floor covered in random supplies and open storage bins. She heaves a long sigh and looks exasperated, then walks into the bedroom portion of her apartment, separated from the rest of the space by a large curtain. She rolls out an extra large charging mat there on the empty floor space and puts the 8 boxes of phones down on top. All of the screens briefly blink white as they begin to charge.

41 thoughts on “Runaway to the Stars: Page 31

  1. the CHARGER MAT? hello 😭

  2. god I only *just* now got that the googly eyes are placed on objects that would give pareidolia to a species with snout faces

  3. Oh my, her space is much larger than I expected! And we’re definitely in the scifi future here, wireless recharging at more than a few centimeters distance!

  4. oh the absolute MOOD of “yeah i just need to clean up a few things at my place” and then actually looking around your place. don’t worry talita you can just shove some stuff in boxes it’s fine.

  5. is that a hard drive magnet on her fridge? I would have though HDDs would be long gone in this setting, but those magnets look like just the same shape…

    1. a rather late reply i know, but this was addressed by the author on the previous page:

  6. i love that she sticks googly eyes on items. that detail can say so much about a character lmao

  7. You can’t just NOT hoard electronic devices. They’re shiny magic items. Clearly the goal is to have as many as possible.
    On an unrelated topic, I’m very much enjoying this view of a tidy, uncluttered living space with hardly anything in it

  8. Does anyone know what those two devices in panel two are that point down and kind of look like electric shavers?

  9. “Don’t ask why she has a wireless charging mat that large.”
    It could just be that’s what work had a surplus of.

  10. That’s one big charging mat!

  11. Wonder who’s sleeping on her couch given she’s got an actual bed.

    1. It’s also Talita. She’s just got a couch big enough for her to comfortably lie down on, so, like, four meters long.

      1. As a fellow tall (for a human) I fully endorse this choice. nothing like flopping dramatically on the couch after a long day.

  12. “Don’t ask why she has a wireless charging mat that large.”
    DARN IT, that’s exactly what I wanted to do!

  13. Internet Stranger


    (Can you tell Talita’s my fav character?? XD)

  14. I love how the, by far, least realistic thing I’ve noticed in your worldbuilding is the damn phone chargers being too good 😭

  15. I love the detail that one of the things she put googly eyes on is something that reads more like having a “trunk” as opposed to a human face. :p

  16. Talita big so naturally she has charging mat in big (size).

  17. a face so weary it makes one wanna quote the panther by rilke

  18. oooh i love the googly eyes on the appliances

  19. I love muppet-face Talita

  20. i feeeeeel like youd need more than 120V for something that intense, but talita is living in 3025 with this contraption that im sure some tech peeps nowadays wish they had. also im sure it doubles as a lovely heating mat xD

    1. I was curious so I ran the numbers – a USB charger draws 2.5W, and a common household outlet can supply up to 2kW. So a power outlet could charge up to 800 phones at once in optimal conditions.

    2. tminusfiveminutes

      I’d also assume that’s some Avian standard of plug, so it could well run at 240V or more. And it’s not like she needs them to charge in only two hours.

  21. *radio voice* “Bomb has been planted.”

    Seriously, the whole adventure in this story depends on these phones. They’re the triggering event, and it’s going to go off very far, very fast, very hard. A real narrative explosion.

  22. Maybe the charging mat is for charging some random Big Machine she has , uh, collected (obtained from work for personal use in messing with other, different electrical doohickeys).

  23. ah, mood. /looks at her own room guiltily

    When Talita sighs, is it all her excurrent nostrils or does she involve her trunk so she can do a voiced sigh? Does it depend?

    1. The natural way for her to do a deep sigh is out through the excurrent nostrils. If she’s talking and wants to punctuate something with an exasperated sigh, she usually does it with the trunk. She does something similar with laughter, sometimes she’ll say “haha,” like, manually, even though that’s not her natural “laughter” response….

      1. What, if I may ask questions still after yesterpage’s kerfuffle, is the natural laughter response of 1: a typical Centaur, and 2: Talita, and are they the same?

  24. I love her so much, her workspace looks so much like mine!

  25. I love the sticky googly eyes in the second panel

  26. I can totally see the charge mat-e existing irl

  27. I love how much characterization is packed into Talita’s apartment.

  28. I’m willing to imagine that Talita deals with any number of pieces of industrial equipment that use wireless charging. Cheers to BFGC or whoever established a wireless charging standard broadly enough that you can charge boxes of phones from who knows where just by plunking them on a charger.

  29. Impressive how many phones that one socket can charge, and how far the wireless charge reaches

    1. I’m kind of distressed that it looks like NEMA connectors are still in use, you’d hope that they’d’ve switched to something better.

  30. One giant cacophonous BLINK

  31. I too understand the need to hoard extremely specific doogickeys that will only produce use maybe once in my life. They make goblin brain happy :>

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