Runaway to the Stars: Page 128

Wow! How inconvenient! Right Idrisah?


Cheevwut: Wow! You look like shit!

Idrisah: I’m fine! I’ve just been. Worrying about stuff.

Cheevwut: Like that’s new. But here’s something that is!

They show Idrisah their phone.

Cheevwut: Ohwitiil fucked up big time! They lost us our aluminum buyer!

Idrisah: Oh… yeah, that would void the contract.

Cheevwut: It would be funnier if damage control wasn’t my job!

Idrisah: Did they have a backup buyer?

Cheevwut: Nope! All those slots in the outgoing schedule are just empty now!

Idrisah's eyes widen and she freezes in place. Behind her, an inset panel shows a day-by-day schedule of shipments, with over half the bihourly slots highlighted.


Runaway to the Stars: Page 128

Wow! How inconvenient! Right Idrisah?


Cheevwut: Wow! You look like shit!

Idrisah: I’m fine! I’ve just been. Worrying about stuff.

Cheevwut: Like that’s new. But here’s something that is!

They show Idrisah their phone.

Cheevwut: Ohwitiil fucked up big time! They lost us our aluminum buyer!

Idrisah: Oh… yeah, that would void the contract.

Cheevwut: It would be funnier if damage control wasn’t my job!

Idrisah: Did they have a backup buyer?

Cheevwut: Nope! All those slots in the outgoing schedule are just empty now!

Idrisah's eyes widen and she freezes in place. Behind her, an inset panel shows a day-by-day schedule of shipments, with over half the bihourly slots highlighted.


102 thoughts on “Runaway to the Stars: Page 128

  1. Dun fashion is so fire I wish I was bird shaped and could wear bird clothes.

  2. Considering Cheevwut actually shows Idrisah what looks like some kind of conversation or something, I don’t think this is Bip’s doing like some people think.

  3. The fact that they’re using a 300 year old font (in the background of the last panel) is ruining my immersion 😛

    1. Do you expect Jay to create the next Arial?? 😂

      1. we also still use so many dated things that we don’t remember the meanings for because we simpy haven’t needed to change them. like the save drive and the ground phone icons haven’t been used physically in an entire generation by this point but we still know what they mean when we use them!

        1. If you want *dated*, have a cow with where the very *letters* in our fonts come from. 😛

  4. I can’t tell if Cheevwut’s expression is one of barely-contained rage, or baffled schadenfreude, but both are great.

  5. What a an “unfortunate” turn of events! It’s not like I needed a free spot in the schedule for some dubious activities, but… funny coincidence, right?

  6. no wonder idrisah is so stressed; dirtball is using whenisgood to schedule their launches!

    1. Ack, you beat me to the punch!

  7. Honey, if a member of a DIFFERENT SPECIES can tell that you look like shit, you are NOT fine!

    1. … you *do* remember what the *general impression* is we’re giving the other RttS sophonts, don’t you? It *does* have something to do with secretions …

  8. I love that this comic is all about secretly bullying Idrisah jshsjjd

  9. Cheev’s little bowtie is kiiiilling me 🥺

    1. Cheevwut being an avian James Bond and having a garotte hidden in that bowtie confirmed ;-P

  10. I like Cheevwut’s hood. Very fashionable.

  11. Huge fan of Cheevwut’s “Nope!”. The full panel for one word. The avian face just barely making a humanlike shit-eating grin. *chef’s kiss* ART.

  12. … hold on a second. It doesn’t look like the skyhook could possibly serve an incoming and an outgoing payload in the *same* transit (unless the incoming goes to the slag field, rather than onto the launch loop). If this one lost buyer means that “over half the bihourly slots” are now unoccupied, does that mean that Dirtball has virtually *no other outgoing shipments at all* in the schedule?? If so, the reason why everyone, even Idrisah, ultimately chooses to leave might well be that Ixion’s about to go bankrupt … 8-t

    1. There’s always someone who will buy aluminium, but what we’re seeing here is Idrisah’s “oh no” face over all that rescheduling, the scrambling to find other buyers who will probably pay less (not her department, but it might effect yearly bonuses, etc)… and of course the creeping realization horror that Bip will get Bip’s way…

    2. Over half of the bihourly slots *on the outgoing schedule*. Aluminum being the bulk of their export makes sense, and (if I understand correctly) having a single buyer making up the majority of your business isn’t unusual in raw materials. That said, not having backups seems like a major oversight unless it’s one of those “We can’t arrange that much pickup in that little time” things.

  13. Oh yeah, it’s all coming together. 😏

  14. Tags: sci-fi, space opera, one womans psychological horror

  15. foul play? (looking at Bip)

    1. Or just fowl play. Ohwitiil probably did fuck up

    2. I’m still “blaming” Calcery (or some other AI, though even if another AI masterminded it, I suspected Cal had a strong ‘hand’ in things). Bip might be a great hacker, but unless he was setting the seeds of this from the very beginning (possibly before the 841 Bip-phones were even recharged), I doubt Bip could have pulled it off. Contracts like this tend to take more than a few days to get through and if I’m right, this should be the contract Ohwitiil was working on //before// 841 Bip-phones began being recharging

      1. Bip uses they/them or xey/xem pronouns!

  16. MyUniverseinaBox

    lmfao I love this comic

  17. Love to see it. bip is an anime protagonist and talita and idrisah are being dragged into their latest arc.

  18. …You know what you must do, Idrisah

  19. Hmm, I’m beginning to understand why Cheevwut will also take part in the Runaway adventure. The question now is: How?
    Good colleague or not, I don’t think anyone will spontaneously ask them to join the team, unless they really need they help. There’s even a chance that they’ll be the one to discover their conspiracy and say “Whatever shenanigans your do, I’m in, especialy for leave this place.”

    1. Cheevut isn’t the avian featured in the other comics, that’s Sirawit 😉

  20. what’s next to Idrisah in the third panel, is it a rehal box?

  21. Ok the fact Idrisah “void the contract” rather than something like ‘loose the buyer’ or ‘mess things up’ does make me suspect that Ohwitiil unintentionally revealed some information, maybe violating an exclusivity clause??

  22. Ganderius Shinyrius

    What a happily convenient turn of events. (Is Bip responsible lmao, are they actually more capable than they let on)

  23. Rad Internet Stranger

    Damn.. Destiny really wants Talita and co to leave

    1. Well ain’t that a bit too convenient?

      1. It’s the start of the story, contrivance is perfectly acceptable until the first twist.

      2. Aye. With all the Deus-Ex-cavation in the last couple pages, and Cheevwut doing payroll, I’m pretty much expecting the next page to have them go “unfortunately ‘damage control’ has priority, so nobody’s getting paid ’til I’m done, unless you magically get yourself *another* paying job out here in the boondocks, wink wink nudge nudge.”

        Followed by Talita running across not more quantum phones but a stack of Golden “do ‘test’ flights when- and wherever you wish” Tickets, to solve
        , aboard those prototype vessels.

  24. Everyone’s talking about the bowtie and the first free appearance of the Fighting Chabbits shirt, but…

    Why is nobody talking about the barrette in Idrisah’s hijab? To me, that’s a fascinating little detail that I’ve been thinking about since Monday. I’m racking my brains trying to remember if any of the Malaysian girls in my high school kept their hijabs in place with a barrette, but that was… so long ago.

  25. Oh, snap! What’d they do to lose the buyer?! D:

    1. Knowing Ohwitiil, just talk lol

  26. CheevwutBowtieStan


    1. How many outfits does the average skimmer avian HAVE?

    2. Cheev is such a dapper dun.

      1. I like to think Cheev is *subversively* dapper by conservative Tiiliitan standards… pushing the limit of what a dun can appropriately wear, both as self-expression and to wind Ohwitiil up even further, which probably results in Ohwitiil being that much hornier come spring.

  27. Everything is falling into place. Now we only need the line-piece for an epic finish!

  28. I guess Cheev proves the principle that people feel more comfortable swearing in secondary languages.

  29. What a coincidence!!!

    Oh, it is so definitely Bip doing this.

    1. Yes, at this point, it’s definitely Bip’s fuckery. My only real question is, how much of this is real, and how much is Bip *gaslighting* Dirtball’s admin with fake comms and such?

      The prototypes being sold off by V-tech sounds like a real thing, I think someone would know if any of those ships were standard production models, but maybe there’s no such thing.

      Oh, gad, Bip could be making it ALL up! If they have access to station comms, and the ability to spoof everything. I’m having an existential crisis about a webcomic…

      1. I know for almost sure that the liquidation is real, the podcast Talita was listening to in the first few pages was talking about it!

        1. Oh, yeah, you just made me realize she listened to the podcast BEFORE she discovered the phones, I’d forgotten about that! It means that Bip probably couldn’t have spoofed the podcast, which was what initially made me really have an existential crisis!

        2. *recharged the phones

  30. I wonder what avians think of the earth birds they’re named after. someone she cheevwut a picture of a blue macaw!

    1. TotallySomebody

      I asked that for one of the QnA’s actually!

    2. Their “Emperor’s Yellow” is (blue-ish) GREEN, though …

    3. My guess is that they’re as uncanny to them as their salamander ape is to us (even their sheer variety could be off-putting depending on their beliefs). They might like their colours though.

  31. every things comin’ up Bip!

  32. Oh yeah. It’s all coming together.

  33. lol I would love to hear about the stupid tantrum owhittill pulled to do that

    1. Knowing skimmer avians, it could just as easily be carelessness or arrogance.

  34. I kinda wonder if maybe Bip had a hand in one of these events, but not all. No matter how it all turns out to have happened, this is definitely beating poor Idrisah over the head. It’s like a chorus of Fate Angels all chanting “Do it! Do it! Do it!”

    Do it! ^_^

  35. Idrisah’s face in the last panel! Idrisah makes the best faces. Love her!

  36. Honestly I see why everyone’s speculating that Bip has something to do with this, but I feel like everything we’re heard about Ohwitiil points to this being exactly the kind of disaster they’d cause. (Of course, that also might be that Cheevwut seems to be the kind of gremlin person who’s capacity for being mad tops out at “cheerfully exasperated,” so it’s a little hard to tell how shocked they actually are by this development.)

    1. I thought it was just commentary on corporate clumsiness and unpredictability, rather than engineered by Bip. Suppose we’ll find out!

  37. ..Well, that’s gonna be useful for sneaking in the repairs for the Runaway. Funny for the main cast that everything (might) work out.

  38. It would seem Fate has a sense of humor! Or it’s trying REALLY hard to make it up to Bip. “Oh shit sorry, lemme just [fiddles with some things] get you back on your metaphorical feet”
    Perfect xD

  39. loading the page and seeing that first panel had me dying laughing

    1. I did the same!!

  40. [kronk voice] oh yeah its all coming together

  41. I don’t know what would be funnier: fate just so happening to perfectly align all of these fuck ups together into the perfect coincidence for Bip to get off planet, or Bip themself being a conniving little shit who somehow has the ability to pull this all off.

    I feel like both Talita and Idrisah are going to meet up and have a simultaneous heart attack about both their excuses being so thoroughly annihilated.

  42. Bio just getting everything ready!

  43. That’s a substantial fuck-up to be leaving that many slots open!

  44. That’s some sort of chat that went on between Ohwitiil and the buyer, right? I *would* be interested to read what they wrote that *immediately voided a written contract* … provided it’s not all in Tiiliitian … 😉

  45. i loveeeeee the little bow on cheev’s neck!!

  46. Relatable first two panels

  47. Oh my god Bip’s whole plan is coming together (on accident)

  48. Wait omg near the beginning of the comic cheevwut said to ohwitiil “Negotiate with our aluminum buyer” Did They End Up Negotiating Did They Do It Badly……

    1. Checkov’s Aluminum!

      1. a person who thinks they are funni

        Cheevwut’s gun

  49. Looks like things are coming up Bip

  50. Cheevs cheer at ohwitiils fuck up is dampened only by the fact she gotta clean up his mistake now lol

    1. *they
      Cheev is male and Owhitiil is female

      1. Cheev is dun and Ohwitiil is bright

      2. ParadoxicalFrog

        Avians explicitly do not want to be referred to in human terms like “male” or “female”. Ohwitiil is a bright, Cheevwut is a dun, and they both use they/them pronouns.

  51. Cheev’s little nope face, so precious

  52. VariousGameMasteries

    Cheevwut’s looking dapper with that bowtie!

  53. wake up ohwitiil you fucked up big time

  54. I love Idrisah’s t-shirt. In-universe merch is such fun worldbuilding.

    1. Coming soon to the store

  55. Wow, Cheevwut sure has a mouth on them. I think they need a censor biip!

  56. Oh dear… xDD

  57. There are signs from the fates, and then there are big honkin’ billboards.

    1. And THEN there’s fate looking favorably at the infamous plan to paint the moon into a Coca-Cola logo …

  58. I fucking love you Cheevwut

  59. What’s the time-honored expression again?…
    *snap* Right! “Planets alignment.”

  60. Ohwitiil what did you do…

    1. No I think this was all Bip, making all the necessary arrangements

      1. Tyrone the Miner

        BAM! Freetime for Ship-repair! Thanks Bip…
        Insert “Fixing up the Greased Lightning ” montage updated to 2333 shipgrave-yard edition in Hard Vacuum…..
        ….no sound… =)

      2. I hope Bip had a hand in this because that would be really funny

        1. Idk. Bip doing all this seems like too much. I think it’s just fate.

      3. Mmmmmmmyabe?
        I don’t know, I feel like Ohwitiil would be the first to be confronted with this information and if the actions nessesary for the screw weren’t their own, wouldn’t they know if they had screwed up or not? I don’t know, I think we don’t have enough information to cast blame on poor, innocent Bip who has done nothing wrong in their existence ever.

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